IIT Kanpur Students Got Innovative Musical Therapy for Rapid Depression Relief 2024

 IIT Kanpur Students Got Innovative Musical Therapy for Rapid Depression Relief 2024

 IIT Kanpur Students Got Innovative Musical Therapy for Rapid Depression Relief 2024

Depression is the most dangerous mental state which leads to people make pathetic decision, its very difficult handle if you are not mentally strong and it will ruin your life easily, decades after decades medical field experts and scientists are trying to find out solution for this, although they have found some medicines and therapy for it but its not that much effective and long lasting solution, there are so many peoples are still fighting with depression and people who knows about it they literally had tears on eyes

But don’t worry you are in the right place to know the solution for it, IIT Kanpur students found musical theraphy to get rid of depression instantly, students from this institute claims they have discovered solution for it, a musical tone capable of relieving the depression in 5 minutes, named the bhim palasi and ragadarbari tune, these tune has the capability to heal the depression instantly

 IIT Kanpur Students Got Innovative Musical Therapy for Rapid Depression Relief 2024

The scientific experiment conductucted with mentally depressed patients by utilizing EEG machine which helps to read the state of mind, and the experiment conducted by IIT students and medical experts.

Result of these experiment shocks everyone because these tunes cures depression 100% efectively and patients are very happy with this treatment, its really shocks everyone that how music has done excellent job.

About Bhim Palasi and Ragadarbari

About Bhim Palasi and Ragadarbari

India’s classical music has the magic in every form, from indian soil to indian music which ever you can take as an example india has the devotional magic in it, and it proves again.

IIT students created a musical tune using these notes called bhim palasi and ragadarbari, the purpose of choosing these notes because they are known to have a calming and soothing effect, students believe that these music notes are played in a specific order, it creates musical remedy for feeling sad or stressed, magically they have found a healing symphony that can make mind feel lighter and stress free

The Journey of Exploring the Power of Healing

To prove it IIT students gather 100 participants who are mentally depressed eveytime and they all reporting experience of depression, the objective was set to check whether these participants will be relax from stress, and the experiment was successfully done and results where amazing just after 5 minutes they feel relaxed and happy

In this process EGG(electroencephalogram) devices helps to get exact result, these devices are instrumental in monitoring brainwaves patterns, they have checked intricate dance of neural activity.when the participants hered bhim palasi and ragadarbari tune EEG records paints a fascinating pattern, which shows shift towards positive and relaxed mental states

The Journey of Exploring the Power of Healing

What EEG Findings Mean : Understanding Brain Music

Different Brainwaves are shows different states of mind in EEG, and it changes lot when they listened to Bhim palasi and Ragadarbari tune, The EEG results surprises everyone before listening to the music, participants had feeling stress but the braincase patterns changes after music shows significant shift from stress states to relaxed states

This shows music has the power make us feel better emotionally and mentally,this connection between mind and music surprises everyone,so when you listen good music just enjoy and feel better

Bhim Palasi and Ragadarbari: A Gateway to Emotional Freedom


These tunes having historical and cultural weight, and these Bhim palasi and Ragadarbari tunes has unique qualities of infusing the musical therapy with a richness, ragas have deep ingrained in indian classical music, and it can make psychological changes and these tunes known for their tranquility inducing attributes, align with the intent of giving relief from depression

A Big Change: How Music Can Help People Feel Better

This amazing idea from IIT students challenges the usual way of dealing with mental stress. They have create easy way to handle stress and depression while in regular methods of treatment medicines are still important, adding 5 minutes music session can be a special and easy tool for patience going through tough times


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