Bycot Maldives trending in Twitter : Indians ban Maldives 2024

Bycot Maldives trending in Twitter : Indians ban Maldives 2024

Bycot Maldives it is trending in Twitter : Indians ban Maldives 2024


Elected leaders and ministers of Maldives are twitting against India the toileting in the open is our national culture and we are taking this culture to the west also India can never be as a beautiful as Maldives.

Bycot Maldives it is trending in Twitter : Indians ban Maldives 2024


But is it true?

The beautiful Seas and beautiful beaches the clear sky is an even clear water at the first time you will think this is Thailand or muldives but the truth is that this is our India this is our lakshyadeep the India’s best kept secret just a few days ago photos of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Lakshadweep went viral when he went to snow killing in the clear water of Lakshadweep and also announce than investment of 1156 crore in Lakshadweep this thing hurt for the Government of Maldives and they are making such comments on india like that

let me remind you that these are not the trolls these are actually ministers and officials who are doing this.

what problem do they have? Why they are not happy with the India’s development

The truth is that this post was not just Instagram post by Narendra Modi it was a jio political master stroke by him, reminder of India’s soft power and hard power because lakshadweep is important for India, and having lakshadweep in India is a danger for countries like China and Maldives because see how India is hitting two birds with one stone.

Maldives versus India

Election where held in Maldives recently and here is the new president of Maldives Mohammed muizu, he has taken an anti Indian stands anti India what does what does it mean?
After becoming a president of Maldives he also made an announcement that

I will ensure that this country has no foreign military presence on its soil

In fact he won the election based on this promise only he named his campaign as “India out” the president before he was a good friend of India and he knew the reality that Maldives that Maldives is a very small country in Asia India is the closest modules which can help them in their time of need and India has done that to operation Pani we provided them free water to Maldives in 2014 we were the first country to do this we also gave them vaccines during covid and that to without accepting any return from Maldives so what is the problem here.

Today summer of our military personnel are there in Maldives how many do you know take a wild guess the answer is just 75 not 75000 not even 7500 it’s just 75 and why are these soldiers are here in Maldives.

In 2009 India gifted some advanced helicopters to Maldives and after that some aircraft away also given our military personnel are there to maintain this military equipment. Plus to keep their borders safe we also made a redar for them, we had a made that redar so we got permission to use that radar for the next 30 years and that’s why we military people are there in Maldives now a logical questions arises does India want to control Maldives with the 75 soldiers?, there is no sense over here for this question right,What threat these soldiers pose here to Maldives is beyond our understanding.


But when words like foreign military personnel are used during elections, it is good for votes, fear sets in the hearts of people and then votes come this is way president muizu adopted this strategy in elections and as soon as he got selected, A formal notice was also sent to India withdraw your soldiers from Maldives we do not need them here, and when Modi ji uploaded photos and videos of Lakshadweep then the Government of Maldives shock.

And remember their was no mention of Maldives anywhere here, its simple why can’t Prime Minister of India go to the any location in India and ask the people of India to visit there, and why was Maldives so bad in this,
but still they started tweeting like this, and then our people also started saying “bycot Maldives”, of course we don’t know how much this will follow in the future but from this you can understand the sentiment of today’s Indians.

China wants to stop India

So let’s understand first the geography of India and Maldives, here the Indian Oceans place a very important role in world trade many important sea routes pass through here India adopts A neighbourhood first policy our Navy fights pirates in the Arabian Sea.

However this growing presence of India is a threat to China’s Masters plan of dominance because China is no longer the only Asian gaint of course today we cannot compete with China Technology wise but China wants to stop us before we can grow.

Bycot Maldives it is trending in Twitter : Indians ban Maldives 2024

After being elected the president of Maldives usually comes to India first it has become the tradition but this time movies broke the tradition and first time he went to Turkey and then now he is going to China and that means they have snubbed India not once but twice.

Actually speaking they benefit the most from India itself India provides them with business as well as essential commodities most of the tourist coming to Maldives from India only.

one out of every 4 tourist is an Indian, the economy of Maldives is tourism focused fishes and tourism together constitute 40% of their economy when they had to build radars to protect the Maldives we have given them a line of credit of 50 million dollars but for getting all these things are used, Maldives is Leaning towards China.

So now Maldives will get learn lesson from this all over the world because every Indian bycotting Maldives and promoting Lakshadweep tourism right, from this there is no any tourist are going to Maldives right now this will affect Maldives tourism badly.

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