The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Your Own Super DIY Dishwasher! 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Your Own Super DIY Dishwasher! 2024

From Toothpaste to Baking Soda: The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Your Own Super Effective DIY Dishwasher! 2024


Every day life is busy and sometimes traditional ways required modern twist. Dishwasher are easy to carry but not for everyone has it. We have one DIY dishwasher for you which is more effective to use and you can prepare it with things you already have? In this guide, we will show a surprising mix of toothpaste, coca cola,cleaner, baking soda and water that can give you clean dishes, that’s awesome right let see how to do it

The Ingredients for DIY dishwasher:


Toothpaste is not  just for teeth. Its also have ability to clean dishes, in this DIY dishwasher hack it helps to clean dishes smoothly



Yes coca cola can use for clean as well, in this hack it helps lot to contribute to clean dishes, its fizz factor helps loose the stubborn food from dishes


Cleaner places major role to clean the dishes, it boosts the cleaning power of other items and make your DIY dishwasher smell fresh.

Baking Soda:

Baking Soda:

This is the common item to clean the dishes, it fights odors,break stains, and act sa a scrub for dirt and helps to shine the dishes


Water is the glue which holds everything together, it helps to clean ingredients and mix well with it

The Recipe For DIY dishwasher:

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Get each and everything you need toothpate, coca cola, cleaner, baking soda, and water make sure the cleaner which you choose is safe for DIY dishwasher mix.

Step 2: Create the Base Mix

In a big cup, mix each everything well toothpaste, coca cola and cleaner. This mix create magic this combination stain fighting toothpaste, and cleaning power of coca cola, last the freshness of cleaner.

Step 3: Add Baking Soda

Keep stirring with adding baking soda in this mixture, it boosts cleaning power also makes DIY dishwasher smell fresh

Step 4: Adjust Consistency with Water

Add water very slowly as you stir, do it with consistency lke store bought dishwasher detergents. Spread this mix well on your dishes before clean

Step 5: Test on a Small Load

Before we don’t want to harm your dishes so to look how it works Take a sample and test on small load and make sure your dishes clean well then you can take as much as you want for your dishes,

Step 6: Apply and Wait

Apply gentally on the dishes, making sure to cover well. Let it be for few minutes and wait for ingedients do their magic

Step 7: Scrub if Needed

Yes srub smoothly if needed use gentle scruber or brush for help, this is especially use for baked on food

Step 8: Rinse Well

Rinse your dishes well with water after letting the mix do its job. This will make sure no residue is left, its easy, smooth, clean and shiny

In short:

Making DIY dishwasher might odd, but with everyday items, you will get good results. Ths mix of all ingrediants like toothpaste, coca cola, cleaner, baking soda, and water brings out the best in each of them, it clean the grease , stains, and odors, gving you spotless dishes and a sense of good satisfaction. So make it now and see magic


1. Can I use any toothpaste for this DIY dishwasher mix?

Yes ,you can there no such specific toothpaste mention you

2. How often should I use this homemade dishwasher mix?

Use as much you need, before use to more load try on sample and use it

3. Can I use a different soda instead of Coca-Cola?

Ya you can but coca cola has more acidic content compare to other, so if you have it then go for it

4. Is the mix safe for all types of dishes?

Yes, its safe for all dishes you can use with no worries

5. Can I skip the cleaner in the mix?

No you have to add for more effectiveness of the mixture, it boost the power of ingrediants

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