The End of byju’s : From Glory to Gloom : Now it’s Getting Bust 2024

The End of byju’s : From Glory to Gloom : Now it’s Getting Bust 2024

The End of byju's : From Glory to Gloom : Now it's Getting Bust 2024


Two years ago byju’s was the Apple of a investors eyes, it was making money every month people wear giving money without asking byju’s valuation reached 22 billion dollars brand ambassadors like Shahrukh Khan and Messy were with byju’s, byju’s was sponsoring Indian cricket team and FIFA World Cup team it would be have been difficult to find a person who didn’t know about byju’s.

Byju’s was the pride of a Indian startup ecosystem and edtech industry, byju’s was serving the country as well byju’s was providing education opportunities to lakhs of people through Technology, at least 2 years back every one thought that byju’s is good company with Noble aim today this company is about to close and people are cursing it.

In early December the founder of byju’s byju Ravinder and pledged house and took a loan of 12 million dollar to pay salary to the employees of the company in the month of November. In short the fate of Indians biggest Unicorn and the most prestigious attack company has changed completely.

The company is unable to pay salaries PFs and TDSs :

Company is in such a bad shape that the employees are not getting the f&fs which means they are not getting the bonus incentives upon leaving the company. I know the office is unable to pay its utility bills also, on top of that the foreign exchange management act violent or FEMA violent acquisition is there the violation has reached from 20 to billion dollars to 3 billion dollars.

But how did this happen (The End of Byju’s) :

The company was the Edtech byju’s went up like a firecracker rocket i- exploded in the sky has the technology become outdated or have the children stop studying? And this story is explosion should not only be learn by a tech company but by the entire startup ecosystem because this story is an example that when you invest Lord of money in a bad business model without thinking and becoming very greedy then disappoint blind growth this model will break in the end. It is a lesson for you and me to don’t get caught up in the small talk and invest thousands of lack in any course find out what is the courses what you will get question anything and everything.

The End of Byju's : From Glory to Gloom : Now it's Getting Bust 2024

Pradeep k the financial expert contacts a Publication that has been warning about the collapse of byju’s for a years ago but neither byju’s Ravinder nor we understood the warning.

Many parents were stuck in the depth trap as they did not know how to pay back to the bank add in the end the result of all these was that byju’s own loan was not paid By April 2023 pressure of blenders build up and for the loan was not sanctioned to the byju’s God gives you a lot but when you take advantage of people in the name of education then goddess Saraswati my have decide to teach your lesson.

Two things happen with the growth of byju’s the first is that the logged on ants and students start going back to schools and the attack companies realise that the boost they got in the business due to the parademic was a temporary phenomenon. The theory of attack companies was that online learning will replace offline learning but the condition is the friend just like away editor used to think of working from a be

The End of Byju's : From Glory to Gloom : Now it's Getting Bust 2024

but byju’s was wrong ultimately people will go back to their offices and scores that will be common everday, because of you cannot do full education in front of a screen that’s the fact byju’s had a tackle this is an teach change overnight again now it will be wrong move by byju’s

The second important thing was that US Federal Reserve changed its policy now it is a complemented issue but basically these investment company started getting attracted to stable Government Bonds and they started withdrawing money from violet text startup.

market suddenly the money in the text startups market disappears and even if there was a money there condition there interest rates are totally change byju’s was not able to rise money again suddenly things got works data speaks for itself byju’s reported that their revenue did not increase into down 20 21 and was the same 2400 course it is a big amount but the net loss was 4400 crores it is very low get lost okay let’s assume that you were growing so fast but why take a Saturday is right another big is that byju’s took was that after 31st March 20 21 they refers to share their financial data we were unable to find out anything about the financial health of the countries biggest starter for 33 months.

But there was another problem remember how fast byju’s acquire companies rise the funds you know people joke that byju’s might and up buying CBSE byju Ravindran wanted to make a 100 million dollar company but he wanted to do it quickly they to money from the market by this was hungry to grow so they kept buying companies didn’t think about profit or returning money bishangarh to Akbar become byju’s biggest mistake that totally crashes byjus

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